Saturday 16 February 2013

Writing about Exercise

Believe it or not (and I'm not entirely sure that I do myself), I am going to be blogging about fitness.  Me. Yes, honestly. I, and all my curves, are going to be test-wearing a specially designed supportive exercise clothing range and writing about it. 

In the past year I have changed my lifestyle beyond recognition: I do now exercise regularly and find a weekend of idleness makes me feel lethargic and unhappy; I would far rather go swimming for an hour than sit and do nothing, as not only will I sleep better but the swimming will totally counteract the cake intake, right?  But as a lady who has been a comfy, squishy size 18 for as long as I can remember, the thought of being taken even slightly seriously as a writer of a fitness blog seems hilariously unlikely.
But there is an explanation to all this which I shall now divulge, following this important note:  I am not pregnant and I do not intend to be any time soon. is a brilliant website, designed to be educational and informative for pregnant women who want to know how to stay fit and healthy through their pregnancy, as well as those who want to lose the baby weight afterwards.  I was glad to be involved when the site was being put together with researching recipes and nutritional information, due to the fact that the company's founder-owner is my buddy Alex McCabe. She, along with her business partner Deb Hazeldean, have designed and made a range of fitness clothing designed especially for pregnant women, with special stretchy fabrics and hidden supportive structures as well as, of course, super stretch bump bits that grow with your bump so you can wear them all through the 9 months of hell joy while you wait for your little darling to arrive.  They can tell it so much better than I can , and yes this is shameless plugging but its my blog and I'll do what I want. 

So, picture the scene:  a young lady erring on the wrong side of the 'healthy BMI' line, with an evil immune system that is destroying her joints and an as yet undiagnosed seriously painful back problem really wants to exercise and get fitter and try and limbo under the BMI boundary.  Her friend has designed a range of extra-supportive fitness clothing designed for women who are carrying a little extra weight (usually around 6 to 8 pounds of human child) and have certain restrictions on what exercise is possible.  It was inevitable really.

And today I have worn, for the first time, my High Support Top and Leggings while pottering around the house and doing useful things looking at twitter.  Sure, the stretchy maternity tummy part is a little redundant (and hopefully, if this exercising malarkey works, will become even more redundant as we go along!) but my back feels supported for the first time in months, and my lady lumps are firmly held in the right place, not likely to try and jump out if I tried a gentle jog.  Much as I love to swim, I really hope that this supportive gear will make it easier for me to get a proper workout at the gym, to give my weekly routine a bit of variety.  But I am also going to be wearing it to do normal things like, say, the hoovering, to see if a bit of extra support means that I can do it without wincing at every step. 

I will definitely post bits on here, but I will also write directly to FittaMamma's blog, so if you're interested please do find them on twitter @fittamamma or facebook, to see how I get on.

And yes, I have been shameless with my links and plugs, normal service will be resumed soon, but for now let me bask in the moment of being taken even slightly seriously as a writer with some semblance of talent that an actual real-life company want me to write stuff for them and feel free to have plenty of lolz at the idea of me writing intelligently about exercise.  It's cool, I am.

K x