Thursday 8 November 2012

My Imminent Unemployment

Hi there campers.  Sorry its been a while since I last updated you all on the delights of my neuroses, I am afraid I have been somewhat sidetracked.
First of all there was the charity swim - for some reason I said I would swim a mile for Rheumatoid Arthritis charity NRAS, then suddenly it was a few months later and I had to fundraise, not to mention practice swimming.  Both were done succesfully (raised £1,400 and managed to swim a mile without causing serious physical damage to myself or others) but the build-up to the event did rather monopolise my evenings for a while.
Then, of course, there was the self-imposed rest period following the great event: I shall just eat this takeaway because I did do something great for charity last week; I shall just leave the washing up today because I did raise loads of money last week and I am quite tired etc etc.
And now there is a whole other something which is taking over my mental capacities - job hunting.  My current employment was always billed as 'temporary': a 12 month maternity cover contract, then a 6-month extension to help on a project, then a 6 month extension to cover someone's secondment to a different department.... it goes on.  But, because every time the "end of contract" date loomed closer the company extended it by another stretch, I had never really truly prepared myself that one day I  really would run out of job.  But here I am, preparing to leave a job that, although of course I am biased, I do rather well.  Being a generally modest and unassuming type, I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but I am good at my job and I can think of several people in the same office who truly are not.  There is something terribly soul destroying about the unfairness of incompetent idiots being gainfully employed in a job I can do better than them, more efficiently than them and, importantly, more quietly than them, without the need to broadcast my every action to my colleagues (if you work in my office you know exactly who I mean). 
I don't mean this to become a childish tantrum, my cheeks reddening as I stomp my feet and declare angrily how unfair everything is, no doubt blaming my parents for ruining my life and then slamming a few doors for good measure (my bedroom door in my teens wouldn't slam... it was such an enormous disappointment).  But the economy and the job market at the moment are not in the best of health, and desperately seeking employment is not a happy place to be.  I am disappointed in an employer who recognises my worth and my abilities but resolutely manages NOT to "talent manage" in any kind of effective way.  I now dread every day: not because I dislike my job, but because every day I am reminded that however hard I work, however efficient, organised or exceptional I might be, in four weeks time I will not have that job anymore.
And so I trawl the job boards for possible alternatives, delaying the inevitable calls and emails to the agencies who will then bombard me daily with vacancies which almost completely do not meet my requirements.  All the while keeping my chin up, my upper lip resolutely stiff, telling myself its 'onward and upward'...

K x

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