Tuesday 31 July 2012

How to Become a Millionaire

OK, so there are several ways that people become rich: firstly, by inheritance or trust fund.  Much as I love my family, they have let me down here by not making me a millionaire in advance.  Neither was I born into nobility or royalty, so there is no country pile or rooms full of antiques to flog. 
Secondly, by inventing something truly incredible that the world didn't even knew they needed until I invented it - eg. Facebook or the car.  I did once invent a "roll of teabags" (not unlike kitchen roll, perforated together) designs for which I sent to the makers of PG Tips as a child but it didnt catch on.  Thirdly, by working really bastard hard and fighting your way to the top of the career ladder and becoming CEO of succesful company X.  I can do hard work, I will fight tooth and nail for the things that I want, but I refuse to devote my every waking hour to work.  As the saying goes one should work to live, not live to work.

A very good friend of mine is, as we speak, launching a new company (more in later blogs no doubt).  She works 16 hour days and most of the weekend, even working when I went to visit her (which meant I could read Game of Thrones in peace, at least!).  Currently, her income from this enormous amount of work is zero.  I am so disproportionately proud of her achievements, from an idea she had a couple of years ago this is now becoming a reality and she is working ridiculously hard to make it a success.  I truly hope that the business will soon pay her a good salary and she can start to enjoy the fruits of her labour, which will be richly deserved.

But, I'll be honest, I just dont think I have it in me to be that dogged, that determined, and that willing to work myself to exhaustion with no guaranteed return.  I have always considered myself hardworking and committed, but I have always worked for someone else, on a wage or salary. Maybe somewhere in the subconcious this tempers my willingness to tip that work/life balance out of equilibrium.  Maybe I have just never had a job that really fulfilled me or set the challenges that would encourage me to achieve more than I had previously expected.

Which leaves the only viable option open to me: lottery win.  I do at least play the lottery, on Wednesdays and Saturdays by direct debit.  I have as much chance as the next man or woman of winning the jackpot, which is precisely one in 13,983,816.  So, lets be honest, not great odds.  But apparently you just dont get six figure salaries for writing blogs in your bedroom wearing a sarong, so it is currently my best shot.

Although, I heard that the president of a small country had promised his Olympic athletes 700,000 USD for every gold medal they bring back.  Thats the best part of 450,000 pounds sterling. So I just need to change nationality and get really really good at some kind of sport...

K x

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