Sunday 5 August 2012

Old Age

Yes, yes, I am only 29, my own old age is quite a way off (though there are days when I feel like I'm 90 already...).  But this week my grandad has been admitted to hospital after falling at home and cutting his head open; they have run tests and it turns out he also has a chest infection along with Type 2 diabetes and at 80-something that means he is pretty poorly. 
It struck me that we sort of expect our grandparents to become ill and eventually die, as is the natural run of things:  although it would make me very, very sad, I do expect my grandad to die at some point in the (hopefully distant) future. My parents, however, are a totally different ball game.  My parents are invincible, they will always be there to help me out when my car breaks down unexpectedly, or to give advice, or to help with big decisions.  My dad went through some pretty serious treatments for cancer last year, but at no point did it seriously cross my mind that my dad might actually die; I was just waiting for the "all-clear, you are free to go home", which thankfully came.  So is my Mum currently thinking of my Grandad in this same way? Or does there come a point in adult life where you realise that your parents are mortal just like everyone else?

I have often said that I would hate to grow old and infirm, that I would rather die at 60 than lapse into a state of constant reliance, to lose my faculties and need assistance with daily tasks.  That I would rather go out on a high than dribbling and wearing a pair of incontinence pants.   When I told my mum this she hesitated, and said that I would feel different when I had children and grandchildren; that every day would be a chance to see them grow up and grow older and that I wouldnt want to miss that for the world.  And maybe she is right, that when you create a second generation to follow after you perhaps your perspective changes.  Even if I never have children or grandchildren of my own, I know that every chance I get to see my 2 year old niece is like a gift, and who doesn't like getting presents?  If that's how it feels when you are old and weary, that seeing young members of your family growing up makes every day like Christmas, then it can't be so bad after all.

K x

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